Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Matinee: Google Drive Tips & Tricks

Google Drive is a great place to store pretty much anything since as educators we have access to unlimited storage, but it can become unwieldy making it hard to find things.  I've attached several videos and some other links with ideas on how to better organize your Google Drive and find what you've saved in it.


Helpful Information:

13 Tips to Organize Your Google Drive - Blog post and podcast

Here's the link to our Google Drive Wakelet, which is filled with lots of great information on Google Drive!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday Matinee: Using Shared Drive With Your Colleagues

Using Shared Drive with your team or committee is an important way to share and access documents.  Everything in the shared drive belongs to the team, so if a member of the team leaves, the documents remain.  Need to know more about how it works?  I've attached a video and several other links that I hope will help.  As always, I am here to help if you need anything.

Video:  Google Shared Drives

What are Shared Drives? has some great information for those of you who are new to shared drives and how they are different from your Google Drive.  There are links on this page that will help answer any questions you may have.

Best Practices for Shared Drives has great overview of when to use shared drives and how to use them.  Click on the links in the table of contents to learn more best practices for shared drives.

For most Shared Drives that have been set up for COEHS, there are one or two people who are managers of the drive.  They are the ones who can manage every aspect of the drive.  Others will have different levels of access depending on the way the drive has been set up.

Do you have questions on other aspects of Google Drive?  I have set up a Wakelet with all of the videos that are on our KATE YouTube Channel, as well as other curated resources.  To access this, please go to

Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday Matinee: Learning for All Conference Resources

Last week The Friday Institute at North Carolina State University held the Learning for All Online Conference with many wonderful educators presenting on a variety of topics including innovation, collaboration, blended learning, and more with the intention of bringing great learning experiences to all students.  They have shared a document with links to the recorded presentations and resources, although some links will be added shortly.  Feel free to browse through the presentations and watch the videos that you feel will benefit you as a classroom teacher and try a few that just sound interesting.  I have watched 3 so far and am looking forward to watching more!

Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday Matinee: Should You be Using Technology?

Image of person thinking with computer in speech bubble

Do you wonder if you should be using technology with your students when you teach?  Recently, Matt Miller from Ditch That Textbook (remember him from The Summit last summer?) put out a blog post with 10 things to consider before adding technology to a lesson or assignment.  As you read the post, keep in mind that it's not about the tech itself, but if the tech will improve your lesson and the learning outcomes.