Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Did You Know? How to Make the Most of Your Learning Management System (Canvas)

Your LMS or Learning Management System is your digital home for your class.  You and your students spend a lot of time here.  What's the best way to make this an efficient and effective home for your class?  Read on!

Remember that you can find previous Did You Know posts on our blog.  Enjoy the rest of your day!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday Matinee: Are College Students Comfortable Using Edtech?


What do you think?  Are they or aren't they?  A new study shows that about 20% of college students struggle with technology.

What can you do to help ensure that your students are confident in the tech tools you are asking them to use?  Try creating meaningful learning experiences for your students where they are using the tech to show what they know and share their voice.  The ISTE standards for students are a great guide, no matter what age your students are.  

There are also ISTE standards for educators and education leaders.  Check them out.

KATE is also here to help.  Just let us know what you need!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Matinee: 2021 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition


The attached report profiles key trends and emerging technologies and practices shaping the future of teaching and learning and envisions a number of scenarios and implications for that future. It is based on the perspectives and expertise of a global panel of leaders from across the higher education landscape.

The pandemic has and will continue to transform the higher education and technology landscape.  This  report looks and what's on the horizon, key technologies and practices, scenarios, implication, and more.  We hope you'll take a look to see what's important for your classrooms.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Did You Know? Gmail Playlist from KATE


Here at MSU we use Gmail, also known as RacerMail every day.  If you are a new or experienced user, you may find a video in our new playlist that will help you use Gmail more efficiently.  They are not in any specific order.  My favorite features are scheduling and snoozing.  What are yours?

Want to learn more about Google?  Check out our other videos on our YouTube Channel.  Need to find previous Did You Know posts?  Don't search your email!  Go to the KATE blog.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Matinee: 17 Takeaways on Edtech from Jake Miller


Jake Miller was recently a keynote speaker at The Summit in June.  In this episode of the #EduDuctTape Podcast, Jake Miller looks back at some of the amazing things shared "last season" by 17 amazing educators.  Many of the tips and topics are relevant no matter who  or what grade level you are teaching.  I hope you'll listen and reflect on some of their edtech insights.

17 Takeaways from Season 3!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Did You Know? You can create a collaborative playlist in YouTube


There may be a time that you might want your students to create a YouTube playlist as a group and turn it in as part of an assignment.  It's really easy to do.  Remember that all of our MSU accounts are Google accounts, which gives us access to a YouTube channel.  Watch the video to find out how to create a playlist with contributions from multiple people.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday Matinee: 21 Google Docs Features You Should Know How to Use

Google Docs has a lot of great features that you may not be aware of.  Check out this article and videos to learn how to use features like smart compose, headers and footers, adding text to images, page orientation, publishing and sharing documents, version history, and more.

If you have questions, feel free to contact someone on the KATE team.  Remember that you can always access previous posts on the KATE blog.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Did You Know? You can lock a Google Sheet tab


You can control who can edit individual sheets (tabs) within your Google Sheets? Protected sheets are marked with a small padlock symbol. Others can see the sheets but not edit them. Follow @benlcollins on Twitter for more great tips like this one.  

Friday, August 6, 2021

Friday Matinee: Podcasting in the Classroom

As you know, we now have a room set up where you or your students can create podcasts.  Before you do that, you may want to watch this webinar on Podcasting for Personalized Learning.  Jen Giffen does a wonderful job talking about podcasting and she is a podcaster herself!  Here's the description for the webinar:

"Podcasting is a great way to engage in professional metacognition and gives students authentic writing opportunities that can be shared with an authentic audience. Whether you are new to podcasts or you love them and have been waiting to get started, this is the session for you. Join Jen Giffen of #ShukesAndGiff The Podcast to learn about podcasting - from what to listen to for inspiration, to name picking, to logo design, to ways to record & launch. We will share our successes and challenges. No fancy equipment, no costs, just an idea, and some passion. You and your students will be ready to start recording tomorrow!"

In order to watch, you will have to register, but if you are interested in podcasting, it will be worth it!

For more information on teaching podcasting, here's a curriculum guide for educators from NPR.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Did You Know? Send from Gmail Extension for Chrome

This extension (Send from Gmail) when added to Google Chrome makes Gmail your default email application and provides a button to compose a Gmail message to quickly share a link via email.  The extension will open a compose window in Gmail when you click an email address on a webpage.  It will create a message when clicked, using the page title as the subject and the selected page text and link address as the message.

Let us know what you think!

Friday, July 2, 2021

Friday Matinee: Kentucky's Academic Standards for Technology

The new KY Academic Standards for Technology will roll into full implementation this fall and are a graduation requirement for all K-12 teachers. This video provides an overview of the standards and an introduction to a teacher resource and student example dashboard that has been created to support teachers as they infuse the standards into their classrooms.  The new KY standards follow the ISTE Standards for Students.  

Laura Raganas is a Digital Learning Coach for the Kentucky Department of Education and the state lead for district level Digital Learning Coaches.

Let KATE know if you have any questions or if we can help you infuse these into your teaching.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Friday Matinee: The ISTE Standards Community

The ISTE Standards Community is an open network dedicated to discussions and sharing resources related to the ISTE Standards, including the ISTE Educator and Student standards. Topics may include adoption and implementation, the standards in specific grade bands or content areas, and anything else you want to discuss or share. Start by exploring the content, or post a comment and engage in dialogue after creating an account on ISTE.org. For this community, you can create a FREE ISTE account for access and do not need to be a member. Remember that ISTE is the International Society for Technology in Education. The ISTE Standards Community provides a Professional Learning Network (PLN) where you can explore conversations on technology standards and engage in meaningful dialogue.

Although we teach in higher education, the standards were written for grades P-20. These standards are not only a great guideline for integrating and using technology in the classroom, but they are important in the preparation of teachers who will be going into classrooms where technology plays an important role.

The ISTE Educator Standards are one part of a larger set of standards from ISTE, which include education leaders, coaches, and students. The ISTE Standards put students at the center and provide a nested framework of support for multiple stakeholder groups.

To learn more about the ISTE Standards for Educators, go here. Check out this short video explanation, ISTE Standards For Students and Educators, by Tiffany Feild. You'll find that the ISTE Standards for Educators are your roadmap to helping students become empowered learners and they will help you rethink traditional practices. As you expand your understanding of the ISTE Standards for Educators, you are also connecting to the ISTE Standards for Students in a variety of ways. Join with the ISTE Standards Community to engage with other educators to learn more about how to use the standards in your teaching.

On another note, Arlene Borthwick, Professor Emerita, National College of Education, National Louis University, shared two opportunities to discuss and provide your perspectives on technology infusion in teacher preparation programs. * Attend and participate in this ISTE21 Live conference session being led by Joseph South, ISTE’s Chief Learning Officer, and Ji Soo Song, ISTE’s Senior Policy and Advocacy Associate: Call to Action for the Future of Technology Infusion in Teacher Preparation, Tuesday, June 29, 11:45 AM Eastern. See: conference.iste.org/2021/program/search/...

* Share your perspectives on technology infusion in teacher preparation by participating in a research study currently underway. Responses from full, part-time, and adjunct instructors of educational technology in teacher preparation are requested by June 30, 2021. Learn more about the study by reviewing the consent form at bit.ly/EdTecQSort_Consent

She would be happy to respond to any questions about the above two opportunities. You can email her at aborthwick@nl.edu.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Did You Know? ISTE TEN's 10 Things in About 10 Minutes

ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) has various focus groups and one is the Teacher Education Network (TEN).  This group has started a podcast in the last 6 months that is "TEN's 10 Things in About 10 Minutes" and they include downloadable podcast notes on their website.  Some of their topics have been very interesting, so I thought I would share the site with you,

We're all teachers and I know you'll find some great insights and ideas from the various guests on each podcast. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Friday Matinee: Triple E Framework Extended Learning

The last component of the Triple E Framework is to use technology to extend learning to connect students to the real world.  Extended learning includes creating opportunities for students to learn outside of school and create a bridge between what they are learning and daily life.  This can also include learning non-content or soft skills.

Be sure to check the Extended Learning Checklist and think through these questions as you plan lessons for your students that include technology.

Have a super great weekend!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Did You Know? 5 Ways to Keep Chat in Face-to-Face Classes

Many faculty and students may not have liked getting on Zoom and turning on their cameras, but they did like the engagement of participating in Zoom chats which allows every student's voice to be heard.  Here are some ways to keep that going in your face-to-face classes.
Other ways to keep the conversation going can be found here on our Remote Learning Resources page on Discussion Ideas.  We'll be adding other ideas over the summer months so check back.  While you are there, check out our other web pages for more ideas as well.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Friday Matinee: Triple E Framework Enhanced Learning

The second component of the Triple E Framework is to evaluate a lesson to see if the technology is enhancing it or having the students do something that would not be easily done in a traditional lesson.  Enhanced learning happens when the technology creates opportunities for creation or production over consumption of knowledge, creates scaffolds to help students understand concepts or ideas, and creates paths for students to demonstrate their learning in ways that couldn't be done with traditional tools.  

Be sure to check the Enhancement Checklist and think through the questions as you plan lessons where you are infusing technology.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Did You Know? How to Organize Shared With Me in Google Drive

In Google Drive there is a section called Shared With Me and this is where files that are not owned by you and have been shared with you by others reside.  When you look at it, it seems to be an unorganized mess and I know I just want to get in there and organize it.  But I have to resist because these are not my files and I can't organize them like I do my own.  Here's a video on how to link these files with a shortcut into folders where you can find them.

Want to learn more about Google Drive?  Check out these resources from KATE.

Hope you're having a great day! 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Friday Matinee: Triple E Framework Engaged Learning

So we've looked at the Triple E Framework and even evaluated a few of our own lessons.  To do a better job of evaluating how we are teaching with technology, we need to delve deeper into each part of the Triple E.  This week we are going to look at the first E, Engagement.  It's one component of technology integration and we often embed it thinking that we are engaging our students.  What we really need to know is if it is engaging our students in the content and not just the tech.

Make sure you check out the Engagement Checklist on the webpage.  Thinking through these questions will help you determine if the technology is engaging your students in the right way.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Did You Know? Zoom Has a New Display Format

Zoom has introduced a new display format that you can use to display all of your students in a neat virtual background.  It's called Immersive View.  The backgrounds include art galleries, fireside chats, portrait walls and more adding novelty and fun to your class meeting.

Immersive view does not work on iPads and Chromebooks or other devices that don't currently support using virtual backgrounds.  Students on these devices will remain in the normal Zoom meeting view.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Matinee: Evaluating Technology's Impact on Lessons With the Triple E Framework Rubric

As educators, we all need to evaluate how effectively a lesson is integrating technology and how the technology is impacting our learning goals.  The Triple E Framework is a validated research-based tool that includes a rubric that we can use to evaluate our own lessons.  Last week you were introduced to the Triple E Framework and in the video, Liz Kolb had you analyze several lessons where the students were using technology during a lesson using her rubric for the Framework.  
You can find the online version of the rubric here.  This tool will "measure how significantly the technology effects the student learning goals based on the Triple E Framework.  Please note that once you submit your results, you will be able to see your individual result totals with a breakdown of each question." 

Why not take some of your lessons where you integrate technology and use the rubric to evaluate whether the technology is having a positive impact on your goals for that lesson.  Once you have gone through the rubric, you can go here to learn more about reading the results.  How did you do?  Use this information to modify and improve your use of technology.

Want to know more about the Triple E Framework?  Liz has published 2 books:


Learning First, Technology Second in Practice (2020)

I'm learning about the Triple E Framework right along with you.  If you have questions, ask.  We'll figure it out together!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Did You Know? Mote Enables Voice Notes in Google

Inserting audio feedback or notes into Google apps is easy to do with the Mote extension. Add it to your Chrome profile and it will show up in your extensions bar, as well as inside Slides and your comment box in Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Classroom.  You can easily record your voice to leave notes for your students. 

Mote has a free and premium service.  Check out Easy Audio You Can Do and get a 60 day free trial to Mote Unlimited.  Sarah Kiefer has also created a Wakelet on Mote. 

Here's a video from Kasey Bell on using Mote to record and insert audio into Google Slides.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday Matinee: The Triple E Framework

Now that the spring semester has wound down, I would like to ask you to take a look at a video from a book study on the book, "Championing Technology Infusion in Teacher Preparation: A Framework for Supporting Future Educators".  The International Society for Technology in Education's (ISTE) Teacher Education Network (TEN) is conducting the book study that includes each of the contributor's to the book.  Recently this session was presented by Liz Kolb, an associate professor at The University of Michigan and she talked about several frameworks for teaching with technology, including one she developed herself called The Triple E Framework.  I'm including the video from the book study to introduce you to her framework.

No matter what you teach, the Triple E Framework will help you do a better job of infusing technology into your teaching.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Did You Know: Innovations for Learning Summer Conference (On Demand & FREE!)

The Innovations for Learning Conference (IFL) is put on every summer by Fayette County Schools with teachers and administrators from across the state of Kentucky presenting on technology and teaching.  This summer, the 18th annual conference is being presented virtually via pre-recorded videos that you can watch at your leisure.The FCPS Office of Instructional Technology is pleased to offer 28 on-demand sessions covering a wide variety of topics, presented by Kentucky educators with diverse backgrounds.  The conference will go live on June 1st (I noticed many videos are available now) and will be available until August 10th.  Registration is not required.

Go here to join the fun: The Innovations for Learning Conference

I think you'll find something interesting whether it's about engagement, remote learning, Wakelet, or edtech in the elementary classroom - and more!  

Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday Matinee: How to Get Students Engaging With Each Other in Online or Blended Classes

Creating an engaging environment when you are teaching online or in the classroom can be challenging.  Getting students to have a discussion is difficult even in a normal classroom setting.  Bonni Stachowiak's article discusses making it easy for students to interact in online or blended classes.

Let us know what you think.  Was there a tool or idea she mentioned that you would like to try?  Things you've tried that worked?  Please share your thoughts on this Padlet.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Did You Know? Must-Have Google Docs/Slides Skills

Google Docs and Slides are 2 of the most used Google apps.  Once you learn to do many things in these 2 apps, you'll find they work with other Google apps as well.  Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning takes you through how to use both of these fantastic apps that are used by most school districts in Kentucky.  

Do you want to become more proficient with Google?  Our Google for Education Level 1 Study Guide has videos and resources to help you build your skills at your own pace.  Whether you want to take the certification test or not, if you are working with Google, these skills are essential.  Ready to go beyond the basics?  Here's our Google for Education Level 2 Study Guide.  

Any time you have questions, KATE is here to help.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Friday Matinee: Teaching Effectively With Zoom

In this podcast, Dan Levy, a senior lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School, talks on the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast about teaching effectively with Zoom.  From having students collaborate in a Google Doc or Slides in a breakout room to how chatting in Zoom allows more students to quickly participate, there are many ideas that can be used in Zoom to make your online classes more effective.


To reinforce this information, check out Bonni Stachowiak's article on How do you Make Zoom Breakout Rooms Less Boring. Bonni is the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

What's one thing that caught your attention in this podcast?  Can you add an idea that worked for you?  Share it here.

Don't forget to check out our Remote Learning Resources website.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Did You Know? Must-Have Google Drive Skills

Google Drive is an essential part of working with Google. And it's more than just cloud storage.  It's imperative that you know and understand Google Drive as you use the Google tools with your students.  Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning takes you to the next level with your Google Drive skills and you'll learn a few tips and tricks along the way.

Want to learn more about Google?  Our Google for Level 1 Study Guide has videos and resources to help you build your Google skills at your own pace.  Whether you want to take the certification test or not, if you are working with Google, these skills are essential.  Any time you have questions, KATE is here to help.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Friday Matinee: New KDE Website Multi-Tiered System of Supports

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has launched a new website, KyMTSS.org, to support Kentucky educators in the implementation, improvement and sustainability of an integrated Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). 

KyMTSS is a multi-level prevention system to support student achievement and social-emotional behavioral competencies through an integration of differentiated core instruction, assessment and intervention. 

Information and resources are available for each of the six essential elements of the KyMTSS framework:  

  • Equitable Access and Opportunity; 
  • Tiered Delivery System with a Continuum of Supports; 
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving Teams; 
  • Data-Based Decision Making with Comprehensive Screening and Assessment;  
  • Evidence-Based Instruction; 
  • Intervention and Supports and Family; and 
  • School and Community Partnerships. 

KyMTSS expands the framework for Response to Intervention (RtI) and promotes the integration of systems-level approaches and state/district/school initiatives under one comprehensive framework to more efficiently use resources while focusing on improving outcomes for every student. 

You can provide feedback about what future resources might serve you best by completing the KyMTSS feedback survey, and you can sign up for the KyMTSS newsletter by entering your contact information on the form available on the KyMTSS.org homepage

The Standards Team 

Division of Program Standards

Office of Teaching and Learning

Kentucky Department of Education 

300 Sower Blvd.

Frankfort, KY 40601

Email: standards@education.ky.gov 


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Did You Know? Must-Have Google Chrome Skills

Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning has begun a series of blog posts on Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers with her first post focusing on Google Chrome.  Chrome is more than just a browser and it allows you to customize it in a number of ways.  Check out her blog post to learn more about Google Chrome.

Do you have a Chrome tip, favorite extension, or way you customize Chrome that is helpful?  Please share!

If you need help with customizing or using Chrome, just let KATE know.  We'll be glad to help! 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Matinee: Google Gmail Compose Button Change

We've noticed that the compose button in Gmail is changing.  Yours may still be the rainbow compose button like the one below.  Be prepared to say "goodbye" to this button soon if you haven't already!

Unfortunately, the change is not the same for everyone.  You may see it look like any of the images below:  

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 11.20.56 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 11.21.07 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 11.27.42 AM.png

Say "hello" to the new Gmail compose button!  Note, your background color may vary and your settings will affect which button you see.  If you have questions, let us know.   

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Did You Know? - Add more fonts to Google!

In recent years, fonts and sayings on signs have become very popular, along with cutout words to add to walls.  When looking at your choice of fonts in Google Doc, Slides, and other Google apps, you might be disappointed.  Don't be!  Here's how to add more fonts!!

Have fun playing with fonts!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Friday Matinee: The Power of a PLN

Recently, KATE hosted a PLN Challenge for both students and faculty (staff was welcome too!) to help anyone who is not using social media and specifically Twitter to see the value in developing a professional learning network (PLN) to learn from others.

A PLN is an ever growing and changing group of educators and researchers that you connect with on social media to learn and share ideas, reflections, and resources. How much you share is up to you. You may want to just stay in the background and check out what people are saying - or you may jump in and start sharing and interacting immediately.  It's up to you when and how you interact with your PLN.

This is NOT just for educators! There are people sharing ideas and research for social work, speech pathology, and criminal justice, just to name a few areas.

To learn more and take our challenge, click here. If you complete the challenge, let us know and we'll not only add you to our PLN, but we'll send you a PLN badge to add to your email. Please let us know that you've completed it or if you need help finding people to connect with.

Check out our blog to find previous Friday Matinee and Did You Know? posts.